Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's Question: Why Am I Afraid?

Well... this is the very last "Today's Question" because.. well, it's the end of October, and if I keep up, I will run out of questions! I may be doing a new series like... "This Week's Question" or something like that, but you guys will need to let me know if you want me to do it! :D

Okay, so, you may not be afraid of things, I am. I'm scared of the dark........... and I'm scared when I am the last person awake in the house..... Those are two funny statements, but let's get serious (but yeah they're both true, too)

I am frequently afraid that when I get older, I am going to do something stupid that I will regret. I'm scared I might someday turn my back on God. I've even been scared before like, "What if I'm not saved?!" You know, there are a lot of people that think they are saved, but never really were.... However, if you examine your life thoroughly, and dwell deeply enough on the why's of what you do, you can figure it out. (That's how I now know I am saved! lol)

So back to the case of me being scared I might sin really bad someday, and/or turn my back on God.

This is a big deal for me, or was, rather, before I found a very comforting verse.. "Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Not death or life, or demons or angels, or our fears for today or worries for tomorrow, not even all the power of darkness" Romans 8:38 ... I was afraid because some people I knew had strayed from the straight and narrow. (By the way, this terror also crept in about what if my friends were to sin really bad and/or turn their backs on God) but then I found that verse. And I've been finding others like it, and it brings so much peace.

I am (or was, or sometimes am) afraid because I have a lack of faith in God to keep me close beside Him. I mean, why am I freaking out? After all, it's all through God that we even got saved, right?! So why would He just drop us? He won't, and that's why we can have peace! Another great post to advocate "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman! :D That is MY song ;) It's very special to me. Tenth Avenue North may be my favourite band, but "You Never Let Go" is my special song.

Love and prayers,



  1. Very good post Ruth! I'd love for you to keep doing these, not every day of course, but "This Week's Question" sounds perfect :) I think October has been my favorite month on your blog so far!

    1. Thanks! I guess I shall then :) Glad you've been enjoying it!

