Monday, March 23, 2015

This Week's Question: Where Does My Strength Come From?

Well, more than likely, you know the answer to this one ;) "My strength comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and of earth."

But do we act like it? Do we freak out and lose control of ourselves when life isn't going easy or the way we want it to? I do sometimes, but nobody knows because I don't want them to. So in a way, I don't completely lose control of myself, I just give way to feelings for a while.

When life turns crazy and unexpected things/problems happen, the only way I can keep myself from losing it is to lean on Jesus. That's all anyone can do. This is not saying I have crazy emotional issues ;) Just if I didn't have Jesus to lean on, I'm sure I would! Because life is stressful. Life is heartache. Life is uncertain. Especially if you're a caring person, life is heartbreaking. I know.

Our hope, our lives, our focus, our hearts, our thoughts, our actions, need to be centered in our faith. In Jesus. In our hope to come. In God's will for us. In God's will for our friends and people we know. It's the only way you can submit to the things that happen in life. It's the only way to keep from losing it sometimes.

I've got a few really great songs I love on this subject that I want you to look up.

"Shoulders" by For King & Country (I have this music video on my G+)
"Busted Heart" by For King & Country (on my G+)
"Lord I Need You" by Matt Maher

and of course.. THE song... "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman

Praise be to God, I have Jesus! Never get "used" to having Jesus or His forgiveness! It means so much, especially in hard times.

Love and prayers, God bless!


P.S. Don't forget to keep me in your prayers. Life's been crazy with people I know. It's hard. Thanks!

"Pray for one another" James 5:16


  1. Yes, without Jesus I don't know where I would be! This past year (or in reality the last couple of years) have been a whirlwind. The only reason I am still sane is Jesus. He is my strength. He has kept me going.

    1. Yeah, last four weeks have been literally insane for me. One shock after another.. stress.. yeah lol Amen. Jesus is our strength! (hug!)

  2. Yes! It's soooo easy to think we're in control, instead of Jesus. And yet, certain moments and situations can make it abundantly clear that I'm NOT in control.
    Great post!
    A modest fashion blog:

    1. Thank you Natasha! Yes, agreed. I've really been hit hard with the realization this year! Guess its part of growing up :/

      Thanks for checking the post out! :)

  3. randomly thought of a random song you should randomly learn so I'm randomly suggesting it in this random comment on this randomly unrelated random post xD "Somewhere over the rainbow" by IZ

    1. Cute song. I'll have to listen to the tune :P
