Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Motherhood Post

Once more, I enter the season of life of having to get up every two hours in the morning due to a little baby's cry for milk... motherhood once more! It has its ups and its downs... the ups.. I have a beautiful little kid to take care of and fawn over, the downs, I lose a lot of sleep, especially when she starts crying and she wasn't even hungry, just fussy! Fortunately for me, when I'm that tired, I can wake up for a few minutes, and then fall right back to sleep when I go back to bed. Still, when I woke up this morning, I was very, very tired. I took an hour long nap after she went back to sleep, so that helped.

Now, all the people that know me and read this blog are asking.. "What the heck is she talking about?!"

I'm not an actual mother, and I certainly hope you knew that... But... Our goats are beginning to kid, and I have already, one adopted kid. Her mother abandoned her so I have taken up bottle feeding her, and it's fun! Only problem is, it's like a human baby and wakes up at all hours like I just described!

Her name is "Anthem" and she comes out of  "Melody" and "Buster". This is the same doe that abandoned my last two babies. Anthem is black with a white crescent moon on her forehead, white flecking over her shoulders, and four brown socks on her feet! :) She is so sweet, and her facial structure is just like her older sisters. She is adorable! I love feeding her, and even though it means more work, I'm glad I have a foster baby again this year! I told my mom that by the time I get married, Lord willing, I'll have motherhood down like a pro ;)

So yes, this is entering a busy season in life, I am mothering kids... I am sewing for the homeschool ball in Charlotte, I am... writing... singing.. guitar playing... and hanging a lot with some people I know online, trying to encourage them to seek God, so.. Lots to pray about if you want to know what to pray for me! :) I'd appreciate it a lot! The hardest part is going to be staying patient with all this... I mean.. kidding season can get quite hectic! Especially with everybody trying to keep an eye on everything! So patience.. patience and love. Two of the most important things, and I'll have a lot of opportunity to practice both, I'm sure!

Love and prayers!

P.S. also, I'm trying to get my devotional times down to at least twice a day instead of reading my twenty-five minutes in the morning and then reading a bit at night and praying briefly. I want to remember to have devotions twice during the day, so lots of things going on! Your prayers are appreciated, and as ever, feel free to send me your prayer requests!


  1. Aw :) You're such a good mommy :D I don't think I'd do so well with a goat haha! You've got such a sweet and caring heart, those goats (Anthem in particular) will have an excellent mother! I got the pictures, very cute :)

    1. LOL thank you :) Yes, I try to be a good mommy. Oh and.. even busier than before because I am also going to begin Advanced Biology! :O Scaaary!

      Love you!

  2. Aww so sweet! Anthem sounds like a cutie!!


    1. Oh she definitely is! And now I have a second... she was getting too much to drink from her mom so... :D

