Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Alright, so recent events have made me realize that I need to encourage people more, and could use more encouragement myself! :) (I think everyone can use more encouragement)

So a little post about my random ramblings on about encouragement ;) (I want to promise this won't become an essay but i really don't know for sure ;) )

Encouragement- something that makes someone more determined, hopeful or confident (from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

I don't think we (and I know I'm assuming a TON about anyone reading this post) usually realize how much just a nice word like, "hey, I like your shirt" or "Hey, it's so good to see you!" can mean to people. I know I always feel special and happy when someone takes the time to notice me.

That being said, I realized I am waaay too not like that! haha I usually tease the life out of people (suddenly realized there are some friends I have that I have NEVER complimented :O) Not that I don't THINK the compliments, just I never think to SAY them.

Christians are in a constant battle against temptation. We need to be encouraged, which is why the Bible tells us to, "Encourage one another and build each other up" Our generation rising up now is the one that will make a difference in the world. We need to decide to make a positive, encouraging difference, not keep it the same, and not make it worse. We need to be a force for good. We need to take time out of our daily lives to encourage one another, help each other out with things we may be going through, and to notice each other more. This life is not about us. It's about God and how we can best show His love to those around us.

There are many people who feel alone, left out, unloved, un-cared for, hopeless, and lost. We need to (let me quote Tenth Avenue North's lead singer Mike Donehey) "come off of our islands and into fellowship with one another" (okay I think that's a quote haha it's basically what he says though even if it isn't) So I want to encourage you, to encourage those you know, those you randomly meet in a store, by being friendly, loving, caring and helpful. Let's come off our islands and help each other make a beautiful Cathedral! :D (yeah more Tenth Avenue North, but seriously they are so gifted!)

You can do this!


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