Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful For

It seems to be "the thing" to do right now, to post something about Thanksgiving. I thought I'd try my hand at it before I have to go de-bone the turkey, help with baking and all sorts of other things!

While we're at it, why not just start a sort of blog challenge? Post fifteen, yes I said fifteen things you are grateful for! (I could cheat here and use individual family members, but I won't.. man I could get more than half with that!) Okay so the challenge will be called.... Thankful For... like this post!

1. God. I seriously do not know where I would be if I didn't know God was real and that Jesus came and died for me. I would be soo stressed so often!

2. Music. Both to listen to and to worship with... I love music!

3. Family. Sort of goes without saying! We irritate each other sometimes, but we're always there for each other when we're most needed!

4. My Pastor. He's really cool and encouraging, has an awesome family, shows us things from the Bible that we may not have noticed and is just all around really awesome!

5. My Pastor's wife. She's so sweet and caring, it's soothing just to see her! She's so motherly to everybody, too!

6. My ex-youth leader. Also a sort of mentor, best friend, all around awesome adviser! She really has helped me in the past year so much! She's a great Christian, really inspiring and motivating. She's such a good example!

7. My youth leader and worship pastor. He's so awesome! He's fun, he's serious, he's wise, he has an awesome wife and family! Best of all, he calls on us to live seriously and think about what life is really about!

8. Friends. Friends are just so awesome, aren't they? I don't have an exorbitant amount, but the ones I have care about me and that's what matters! You can ask them to help you with things, to pray for you, to pray with you, and generally rely on them! I love my friends!

9. Theresa. She's sooo sweet! She's so caring! She is soo soo sooo loving and wonderful! (and talented!) I can have awesome conversations with her for hours and hours and we never run out of stuff to say!

10. Bascha. She's like, the second Theresa! Caring, loving, wonderful, talented, awesome to talk to! We can go on for hours, too! She's so sweet!

11. America. Yup, proud to be an American! I'm thankful to God our country is like it is! It has its faults, but every country does, and if I have to chose, I definitely pick America!

12. Our armed forces. All the branches! Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, National Guard! God bless and keep them all!

13. Books. I love reading :P I read so many books it would make your head spin. I'm not the kind that quietly picks up a novel and sits there quietly under a tree wrapped in the realms of fantasy. No.. I sit here, reading books online (because I read so many books its not worth it to buy them :P) and every now and then you will here a rather loud giggle.... hehehe Then, after like four hours of reading, somebody will come up and be like, are you finished that book? Me: "I'm halfway" Them: "You were halfway about an hour ago!" Me: "Oh yeah, that was the one right before this" I go on reading binges! hahaha

14. Spaghetti. I love spaghetti! It's de-li-cious!

15. Movies. Especially old time movies. I love to watch old movies!

Okay, folks! That's all! Not everything I'm grateful for, but if I started listing more, it would get really basic, like, beds, houses... stuff like that! hahaha

I'm going to call on Theresa from TMarie and Olivia from Fresh Modesty, though I'm guessing she's already going to do something of the sort, to take the Thankful For blog challenge! Get creative, girls! If you can't write a post, I understand, but I think it would be lots of fun!



  1. Yes, yes, and yes!!! All great things to be thankful for and yes if I did my family too It would take more than half the list! haha Your blog is such an encouragement to me Ruth!

    1. I especially agree with points 4 and 5! They are pretty awesome!

    2. Awww thank you! :) I was hoping people wouldn't think I was over patriotic or something hehehe I'm glad it encourages you! And yup, our pastor's family is the best!

      Love you!

    3. I don't think you're being over patriotic! I am proud to be an American to and thankful for the military especially because my Dad was in the airforce.
      Love you too!

  2. Aw :) You are so sweet Ruth! I'm writing a post right now!!!

    1. :D No I only pride myself on being truthful :P hehehe Awesome! Glad you took the challenge!

      Love you, too, girl!
