Monday, January 12, 2015

Just Random

So other than not remembering what song it is that I recently found out I really like... I've also forgotten every line to a song we sang at Church on Sunday! lol (I really liked that song, too, by the way...)

Other than that, though, life's been pretty good. It was awesome to get a chance to go to Church and 2Twenty2 (my youth group) yesterday! :D

We interrupt this message to announce... I remembered the song!!!!!! It's "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns.. really nice song

I got to catch up with some people from Church, which was definitely awesome! (Catch up for me pretty much means.. "Oh they're here! Awesome!") But hey, that's what really caring and loving people is right? Just seeing them is awesome? I think so! :D

Sewing update includes.. I think I've figured out sleeves for my costume.... however I will have to sew the other one on before I know, and that just isn't going to happen soon cause my room is torn up. My two sisters just went up to college so some rooms were swapped and now my closet's getting a much needed makeover. No room in my "room"... :/

I'm starting back in writing some stuff.. I realize I am in the middle of like five books right now... but I'm writing a new book (that really is a plot/started from like two years ago) about a Confederate guerrilla band in the Civil War. I'm also supposedly working on a 1910's storyline.. as well as a 1930's mock of Nancy Drew. So we'll see how far that goes.

Music wise, I'm trying to find some songs to learn still. I've got "Jesus Paid it All" by Christ Tomlin, "May It Be" which I found out is a Lord of the Rings song.. Never seen any of the movies. "Lucky" by Jason Mraz, and "Star of the County Down" as a maybe.. it's an Irish traditional song :D I still need ideas! Lemme know! :D

One of my goals for 2015 (I do realize I made a post on resolutions :P) is to get into the habit of spending random time with my Bible and prayer list. Cause right now, we have a scheduled time in the day we have to read, but I want to be doing it even when I don't "have" to, you know? I feel like it'll be a good habit to get into so.. that's that.

I'm also reading "The Eloquent President" can't remember right now who wrote it, but it's pretty good. It's about Lincoln's speeches. Then I'm trying to write an essay entitled, "The American Civil War: Nation Building or Destruction?" Which, in true fashion, I will probably turn into a mini history book....................... I know.. I know...

Well that's that! :D

Love and prayers,



  1. I absolutely love "Just be held" by Casting Crowns! I think that is my favorite song!
